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Software House
- Software Development
- Mobile App Development
- UI/UX Designing
Call Center
- Inbound Call Center
- Outbound Call Center
- Multichannel Call Center
Customer Support
- Email Customer Support
- Live Chat Support
- Onsite Customer Support
Strategy & Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Digital Marketing
- PPC Campaigns
11+ Years Experience of Business

About Us
We Stand Among One Of The Leading BPO & Software Companies In Pakistan.
With Соsmоs Internаtiоnаl, yоu саn be sure thаt the сustоmer satisfaction and quality serviсes are tор-nоtсh.
Professional Experience
Successful Projects
Passionate Employees
Our Mission
At Cosmo International, our mission is to consistently help our clients grow and be successful while providing superior leadership and customer service. Empowering customer success with reliable and affordable IT services, enabling cost and time efficiency which focus on core revenue-earning opportunities.
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Wоrk hаrd tо fulfill yоur рrоjeсts, whiсh we will keeр аs оur оwn. Соsmоs Internаtiоnаl's gоаl is tо рrоvide tор-level саll сenter оutsоurсing serviсes thаt helр оur сlients sсаle their businesses by imрrоving sаles аnd рrоviding high-quаlity сustоmer serviсe fоr оn-demаnd needs...
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We vow to challenge conventions, creates experiences beyond expectation, and provides results unheard of, for our clients, their customers and staff. This guarantee is driven by four key values/principles that help us back our words with action, and advance real positive alter for our individuals and planet...
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See What Our Customer Says
Our successful projects make us proud.

Mohammad Arsalan
We are really astonished by their call center services, as we were looking for professionals to handle our calls. Cosmos International provided us with their call center services and I must say they have the most trained and highly talented staff. As customer support is the key to our business and we found the ultimate solution for it.

Bilal Khan
Nowadays finding reliable software house especially for custom software/website is very difficult. I found this extraordinary company cosmos international. They provided me the best technical advice regarding our crm and devlivered and perfect solution for our requirements. Highly recommended.

Muhammad Shahid
We are a marketing firm that deals with clients all over the world, and we approached Cosmos International for assistance with customer service call listening and qualification. Their team is always very quick to respond and provide constant updates on the work being done. I highly recommend this company!
Why Choose Us
Setting goals and breaking them to explore the new horizons of innovative ideas that defy the existing limits set by the conventional mindset is our core principle to convey remarkable results.Read More
Affordable Prices
Offering the reasonable prices is our top priority, which small to large business can afford easily.
Professional Staff
Our staff is a team of highly professionals who know their works from core.
Free Consultation
Get in touch with us we provide the free of cost consultations and quotations.
Excellent Services
Providing the dedicated and excellent services to our is the key to success for us.
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